Library hours
8:15 am to 3:30 pm
Including lunch time 1:30 pm to 2:10 pm. (closed at Recess)
Extended hours for students who wish to study after school may be negotiated with the Teacher-Librarian.
Library Staff
Teacher/Librarian: Ms Robyn Ellis
Library Assistant: Mrs Caroline Hutchings
Library Catalogue
Students can access the Library catalogue (Oliver) through a link on the student portal. This is a catalogue of books, magazines as well as eBooks and eAudio books available to borrow from the library along with a curated list of websites. Locate the link by looking for this icon on the student’s portal page in the top, left hand box.
Here students can also check current loans and loan history as well as renew and reserve resources.
Circulation Policy
Most items can be borrowed for 2 weeks.
Special Reserve: At times, depending on demand and assignments set by teachers, some items will be restricted to short loans or for use in the Library only.
Year 7 may borrow 3 items
Year 8 may borrow 4 items
Year 9 may borrow 5 items
Year 10 may borrow 6 items
Year 11 may borrow 7 items
Year 12 may borrow 8 items
Remember - Students are responsible for all items borrowed under their name.
Technology available in the Library
- Free WiFi
- Desktops and Laptops
- Colour and B&W printing
- Photocopying and scanning
- USB storage
The friendly Library Staff can also help with any issues arising from using the above technology, eg. Connectivity, passwords, printing, etc.
Audio books
Click the following link to access Byron Bay High School Wheelers Audio Books
Referencing help | Citemaker
Byron Bay High School students have access to a subscription automatic bibliographic maker called Citmaker which can be accessed through this Citemaker link
This tool will format bibliographies using the Harvard system, allow editing, as well as provide helpful hints on preparing a bibliography for assignments.
To contact the library:
Phone: 02 6685 8188 and ask to be put through to the library OR
Email:, and include "Attention: Teacher-Librarian" in the subject