My child is feeling unwell at school. What will happen?
It is crucial at all times that students who are feeling unwell advise their teacher and go immediately to the Sick Bay.
Our First Aid Officer will phone or text Parents/Carers if it is necessary for their sick child to be collected. In this case a parent/carer (or one of your nominated Emergency Contacts) will need to come to the school Office to collect the child in person.
Students are not permitted to use their phones whilst at school and messaging their parents directly is not our procedure and endangers the health of others.
It is vital that the correct procedure is followed enabling our First Aid Officer to monitor your child and prevent the infection of other children and staff.
If you arrive to collect your child unannounced, it is not always possible to get them from their classroom promptly and without disruption to their teacher and classmates.
Thank you for your assistance and for working together with us to keep our community safe.