Mobile Phone Policy
The NSW Department of Education has introduced a new mobile/electronic device policy which commenced Term 4 2023.
Below outlines how this policy operates at Byron Bay High School.
- All Mobile/Electronic Devices (including mobile phones, earbuds, and smart watches) must be switched off and out of sight before students enter the school grounds.
- Mobile phones must remain off and out of sight for the entire school day. Failure to follow this rule will result in the student being required to take their phone/electronic device to the Deputy Principal where it will be confiscated for the remainder of the day. The incident will be recorded by the Teacher as a quick incident – breach of mobile phone policy- and the Deputy Principal will send an email home informing the parent/caregiver that there has been a breach of the Mobile Phone/Electronic Device Policy. A receipt will be issued to the student that they will show to their classroom teacher indicating that the DP has confiscated their phone.
- Once a student is recorded as having breached the Mobile Phone/Electronic Device Policy on 3 or more occasions, they will be placed on a DP Monitoring Card and will be required to hand in their phone each morning to their DP until the DP Monitoring Card has been completed.
- Refusal to hand a Mobile/Electronic Device over to the Deputy Principal will result in the student being placed on a DP Monitoring Card and will be required to hand in their phone each morning to their DP until the DP Monitoring Card has been completed.
- Medical exemptions will only be approved by the Principal with specialist medical documentation. (Such as student monitoring diabetes with use of phone app). Students will then be issued with an exemption pass which will outline what device they are permitted.
We appreciate that parents and care givers may need to contact their child throughout the day and we kindly ask that this communication be made through the front office on Ph: 66 858 188 who will promptly pass on all messages to students.
At Byron Bay High School we are unreservedly committed to building safe and supportive learning environments which promote academic excellence, innovation, and an appreciation of diversity, and we trust that we have your full support in this initiative.